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The Overman Sperm Project

Wed May 19, 2021 10:50 am

Need a sperm donor?

Wanna cuck your boyfriend for a good cause?

Get in touch with me. Sign up for an account [ > ] and message me, and we’ll set it up. You’ll have to send me a nominal fee of 1k and cover whatever costs are required for a lawyer to draft a form waiving your right to child support. Then you fly wherever I am in the world (typically Europe) and we either go to a sperm bank to set it up, or if I find you attractive enough AND don’t have a girlfriend, we hang out for a while until you’re preggers.

I would like to receive updates on how the child is growing up, but I am also cool with you going completely dark on me, if you choose to cuck someone, or for whatever reason. Especially if the child ends up being male and awesome, I want to be involved in his life, but you’ll have the final say on this.

100% confidentiality guaranteed. Or if you prefer to go the opposite route you can make a thread here detailing every moment in the child’s life: it’s your choice.

Whites only.

You can have as many babies as you want.

You will not find better quality sperm anywhere. No one alive—or dead for that matter—gets anywhere near me on sheer cosmic-level power.

If you are white and female of child-bearing age and reading this, don’t miss this cosmic opportunity. A hundred men caused the Renaissance. A hundred male descendants of mine could cause another, and female ones could make even more of them to breed an entire superrace.

Get in touch ASAP because I won’t live forever, and won’t be young forever.

Don’t wait for genetic engineering: it won’t be here in time for you.

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Re: The Overman Sperm Project

Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:05 am

A /lit/ thread on this:
Anonymous wrote: I like icy but he must have posted this for the lols considering it was only on the male privilege site or whatever
dos he seriously think a woman would even be reading it

I am planning to also link it on the Orgy frontpage on the next update, but point taken, I have now also linked it in my Patreon bio, which gets read a lot as it's the first Google result for "icycalm".
Anonymous wrote: >>19227693
Partly for the lols and partly to see if any genuine fish get caught, like everything else he does.

It is funny, and I laughed with the idea when it first came to me, but I am dead serious about this. If there was any way I could pump out a few hundred children, I'd go to insane lengths to do it, it's the second-best thing I can do for the species after Orgy.

From another thread on me on /lit/:
Anonymous wrote: >>19227048
vincent gallo did this 20 years ago, it was even on some forum then iirc

I saw this 20 years ago. He had a site with a couple of short stories, and that page about his sperm offer. I am not sure how I ended up there, as I dislike him and his movies. His stories were fun for what they were though. Not sure how his idea influenced mine, as I haven't thought about him in the 20 years since. My sperm offer came naturally to me when I realized what I said in the OP: that a mere 100 men launched the Renaissance, and they were all vastly inferior to me.

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The Reproductive Strategy of the Future

Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:39 am

People like Musk should already be doing this btw. Can you imagine what an army of entrepreneurs like him could do for the species? And unlike me he could get tens of thousands of interested women tomorrow if he tweeted about it.

He doesn’t have the balls for it though. He’s just a nerd at the end of the day no matter how much T he injects into himself, and he’d be terrified of the anti-eugenics uproar that would instantly follow. You can see how public opinion causes him to moderate his tweets and actions all the time, and over petty, stupid stuff. The kind of blowback a sperm offer would cause would probably make him commit suicide.

This is the reproductive strategy of the future though, celebrities just haven’t realized it yet. If you thought the average guy can’t get a girl in 2021, wait until 2077. And it all ends with cloning.

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Re: The Overman Sperm Project

Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:49 am

Some fag will now pop up and talk about diseases. But that’s what vaccines are for! (Though they must be tested first, and that’s why we have subhumans: the lab rats of the future.)

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