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What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 6:16 pm

The manosphere seems to be in hardcore "enjoy the decline" mode, and has been for awhile. Roosh barely put up any fight; when they shut down his meetups, he caved in, until a few years later he did a very small meetup just as a symbolic gesture. Yeah, he had his press conference, but aside from that, it would seem that he just was not in a tenable position for taking on the establishment, because they were just going to keep ratcheting up the pressure, like what they did when they exposed his living situation.

But they do this stuff to pretty much anyone who tries to take them on. If you're anonymous, they threaten to breach your anonymity; e.g. they'll issue subpoenas, and/or get your webhost or registrar to demand to see your identification. If your identity is already known to the public, then they'll try to apply pressure to your employer, or your family, etc. as an indirect way of applying pressure to you. Or, they'll just get their Antifa goons to go directly after you, e.g. by smashing up or stealing your property as a way of disrupting your operations.

This is what Roosh talked about, when he spoke of "controlled speech." He acknowledged in one of his vids, prior to the RoK shutdown, that he's had to censor himself quite a bit. I'm sure his tweets, for example, are heavily self-censored.

We're in a tough situation, so what are we gonna do? At times like this, people will often say, "Just keep spreading the word; educate people about the truth." But if your spreading the word had the potential to create revolutionary change, the establishment would find a way to shut it down.

Look at what's happening already, with guys leaving this forum because they don't want to be associated with anything too controversial. E.g. they don't like racism, or ephebophilic content. Yeah, that's because those ideas have the potential to change the world. In the long term, our existence depends on our ability to reproduce; and whom else are we going to start a family with, besides some nubile young girls?

But the feminists want to educate those girls instead, and have them ride the cock carousel for awhile, rather than getting married as young, virginal brides who would have a lower risk of infidelity, marital dissatisfaction, emotional and psychological problems, and ultimately divorce. They want to destroy the dynamic of masculine leadership and feminine submissiveness that makes marriages more harmonious and less likely to break down.

The manosphere, for the most part, just doesn't really have the balls to fight against all this. Or, when they do have the balls, they don't have the resources, because the most courageous people are often those with nothing to lose.

Roosh has decided to turn to the Orthodox church, but he probably would've been better off going Muslim, if it weren't for the fact that he has too much respect for the white race to do that. The Orthodox church is not putting women into burqas, though, and telling men they have a right to beat them, or I think we would've heard of that by now. Without some more radically patriarchal ideas than what we've seen from the church in recent generations, it's going to be hard to bring about the changes we need to see in society.

As far as I can tell, what's going to need to happen is that a great leader arises to arouse the passions of the proletariat, and bring about a revolution. In the meantime, we just hang out and share our ideas which may help prepare the way. Maybe someone in this movement will become rich and be like the Koch brothers, except serving as a benefactor of patriarchy (e.g. some really based religion or antifeminist think tank) rather than more cucked causes. It's rare that we see that happen, though.

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 7:03 pm

Let me elaborate a little, though I've already done that elsewhere.

"Societal change" is currently impossible. Moreover, the idea that we can go back to patriarchy, is laughable. Do you see patriarchy in Blade Runner? Where do all you guys get your ideas from, "Little House on the Prairie"?

The future will be dystopian. Which means utopian, because subhumans have inverted values; what they see as bad we see as good and vice versa.

We will NEVER go back to the "nuclear family", etc. That concept has had its day. There will still be nuclear families, but not because it was imposed by society, but because some "weirdoes" decided that that's what they want to do. And lots of other weirdoes will live "alternative lifestyles", etc.

The future will be a CLUSTERFUCK. Which is far more interesting than the patriarchy of the past, which is why we prefer our sci-fi clusterfuck future.

And then at some point, the killer drones will come in (or a biological agent, or someone pulling the plug of all the VR-hypnotized masses), and the whole farce will end.

Gotta understand science and tech to see the future. Gotta not be naive like Roosh and the "red pillers" and think of the future without taking technology into account.

A good antidote for the "manosphere's" laughably naive and primitive future projections is some good old-fashioned sci-fi. Just spend a couple of months watching sci-fi cinema and reading sci-fi novels (though not the modern SJW ones lol), and then you'll be ready for proper theory and philosophy. And keep an eye on this thread while you're at it: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=16

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 7:20 pm

The problem with trying to reinstitute patriarchy now, is not the "society". It's not the government or the laws.

IT'S FAGGOTS LIKE 99% OF THE "MANOSPHERE" WHO ARE TOO WEAK TO EVEN BEAT THEIR WIVES!!! If domestic violence was scrubbed from the law book, those faggots would still not be able to bring themselves to slap anyone at home!

THAT'S why we are in the mess we are in. Not because of the "society", but due precisely to the sheer disgusting weakness of precisely the males who are whining about the situation right now.

We don't have the ORGANIC MATERIAL to reinstitute patriarchy. We lack the necessary LIFEFORMS! All we have is some barely male goo that gets offended and throws a hissy fit because of a FORUM THREAD ON SOME INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD.

So, to repeat for the umpteenth time: Killer Drones is the answer.

And until then, we have a ton of amazing things to do, like go surfing or snowboarding, pick up chicks, play videogames, travel the world or even start families if we want it badly enough.

It's all good, and btw there's no decline either. I explain that on my philosophy site too, but I don't want to start quoting myself in every thread here, because I don't want to stifle conversation by pushing just my views.

Which is what I just did here, I know. So I'll stop now.

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 8:24 pm

So, if the solution is to have killer drones kill off the weak men, what's the point of picking fights with, say, Swoop the World, when we can just hang out with them and talk about how we like to go surfing or snowboarding, pick up chicks, play videogames, travel the world or even start families if we want it badly enough; and then when the killer drones are ready, go ahead and kill off the guys who get in the way of plans to bang prostitutes or jailbait girls or whatever? Why do we need to oppose anyone now, when killer drones can do a better job later? If the solution is to get rid of the weak human material, why bother to fight against them intellectually? Is that just a way of passing the time while we wait for this technological deus ex machina?

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 8:35 pm


It's they typical man's mindset of the future that "comes". The killer drones will "come", like the weather, so we might as well wait for them to come.

That's not how the world works, young man.

And I didn't pick fights with anyone. They tried to pick a fight with me because they feel inferior.

Anyway, whatever. I am going back to my work. If you like to think that my work is futile, suit yourself.

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 8:52 pm

la noblesse wrote:
Wed May 29, 2019 8:35 pm
It's they typical man's mindset of the future that "comes". The killer drones will "come", like the weather, so we might as well wait for them to come.
For those who aren't going to be actively involved in making it happen, all that's left is to wait for it. It's like how those who don't have the talent to be a great leader can only wait for him to come, and maybe write some theory that could inspire him if he reads it, or has a teacher who has read it.
la noblesse wrote:
Wed May 29, 2019 8:35 pm
Anyway, whatever. I am going back to my work. If you like to think that my work is futile, suit yourself.
I was just asking. The topic of the thread is political and cultural change; I guess the answer is, you lay the philosophical groundwork now, the machines clear away the debris that's getting in the way of change, and that's pretty much it.

At any rate, patriarchy and the nuclear family are just hierarchy and centralization applied in the context of the family unit. Hierarchy and centralization remain efficient forms of organization in a lot of situations even in the modern era, although they have their limitations.

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 9:26 pm

la noblesse wrote:
Wed May 29, 2019 6:51 pm
Killer drones.
I am glad that someone is working on killer drones so that the elites who push feminism don't end up controlling all the drones. I happen to be an engineer with a knowledge of controls and programming. How can I assist in this effort? This should be far more fruitful than Brenton Tarrant's admirable but "manual" meatspace efforts.

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 9:39 pm

Really the only wild card that I can see is the Muslims/Latinos. Only they can stop the drones, by flooding the EU/US with such great numbers that they bring civilization to a halt. And then... no killer drones.

The Latinos might actually not be so bad. They don't hate civilization as much as the Muslims do.

In any case, even in this scenario there's not much to be done right now. If these people continue to flood our societies while failing to integrate, the backlash against them will keep increasing, until the whole issue explodes. And then... a leader will appear to lead the explosion as if by magic. That's how Napoleon appeared in France in the middle of the Revolution, and took control and crowned himself Emperor.

At present, all we can do is build our commentaries and theories and spread them. It may well be that no war will be needed. The immigrants may well turn out to integrate sufficiently in the end. They won't be running genetic engineering labs, because they are stupid, but as long as they don't incite riots in the streets and don't rape too many Swedish girls, we might be fine. The main thing is to not bring the labs to a halt, because then... no killer drones. As long as the labs are churning forward, there's no decline at all, civilization will keep ascending, and we'll get our drones in the end.

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Re: What's our strategy for political and cultural change?

Wed May 29, 2019 9:43 pm

Btw note that we already have drones in the Middle East killing Muslims. We just need more, that's all. And smaller and more efficient ones. Like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlO2gcs1YvM

And you best believe they're coming.

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