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Great maxims on game

Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:48 pm

One of the best things I've ever read about women: ... 5#pid36035
bootknocker wrote:Don't worry about women there are billions of them.

It's the same idea as the common "plenty of fish" saying, but the number "billions" and the casual dismissal of the whole subject give it a whole other level of perspective. The "plenty of fish" line sounds a bit butthurt, but the above one sounds truly well thought out and wise. It would be a perfect signature for an account in a PUA forum, but I've got my links there so I will reluctantly pass on it.

It should go without saying that this sentiment makes sense if you are decent with women. If you are truly an incel, and not asexual or homosexual, then of course the opposite is true and you should worry about them if you want female companionship in your life at some point, let alone anything more.

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Re: Great maxims on game

Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:44 pm ... 7149688832
One Man's Life Mission @OneMansLifeMis1 wrote: Incels are always debating who's the best coach, instead they should be working on their game.
The irony is: even the world's worst coach would be able to help an incel to improve a little

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Re: Great maxims on game

Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:31 pm

It’s in his bio:
Women are looking for a man with a future, men are looking for a women without a past...

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Re: Great maxims on game

Tue Dec 13, 2022 3:05 pm ... 3057602561
ANDREAS PISTOL @PistolAndreas wrote: Stop thinking about daygame, nightgame, whatever game.

When you set as a goal to "get 10 numbers today", you're seeing it as a job. You get tense.

Yes, it's a numbers game...

But if you start telling yourself 'I'll talk to every woman I like', the possibilities become endless.

That's endgame. You just go out and get 10 numbers anywhere and everywhere you can. If the street is empty go into stores and demand the numbers of retail girls. Whatever it takes. Great mindset. But not good for beginners or even intermediates.

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Re: Great maxims on game

Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:54 pm

First truly legit smart thing I've seen Tate say: ... 9133156352

And of course it's in video form since he's a monkey who doesn't write. Someone should transcribe it so we have it when that tweet goes down.

Edit: I've downloaded the video. If it goes down, bump this thread and I'll post it.

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Re: Great maxims on game

Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:39 am ... 5742759937
cypher_daygame @CypherDaygame wrote: Don't plan your approach, it puts you in scarcity mindset.

This advice is dynamite. I've seen it elsewhere before, this guy certainly didn't invent it.

It's for advanced only though. If you aren't advanced, you must plan. But when you get advanced, you should just walk up to anything remotely attractive to you and just improvise. It's especially cool to open with random stupid shit that no one would say (that's how the line "Everyone here eats tacos" was devised). Helps both you and her to see how awesome you are and how fun this game is.

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Re: Great maxims on game

Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:54 pm
Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 17-53-30 icycalm (@icycalm) •
Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 17-53-30 icycalm (@icycalm) • (17.43 KiB) Viewed 24206 times

It's not mine. I copied it off someone on Twitter. A cool way to raise the profile of a social media account, now that there're so many alternatives, is to take already popular content from one medium and copy it to another.

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Re: Great maxims on game

Sat Jun 17, 2023 2:26 pm
Anonymous wrote: Dudes will fuck sluts on Tinder or that they picked up from bars, watch porn featuring gangbangs and shit, encourage each other to lose their virginity quickly or get into wild sexual encounters for street cred, try to get nudes from every girl they talk to for more than a day, cheat on their girlfriends and wives, and then turn around and bitch about how women are whores and the West has fallen and the trad based evropean white girl in a wheatfield lifestyle they deserve is no longer possible.

Like... you literally enable and actively encourage all of that shit you claim to hate, every single day, through your behavior and attitude. I don't know what you expected. If you really did care about creating a world in which rampant orgy-porgy and dissolving families weren't everywhere you would stop participating in that shit yourself.

It has a point but at the same time it's a bit of an exaggeration because the two groups are largely different people. Same goes for women, really. Two groups of them too. But there is some overlap, and there is also some hopping back and forth and testing the waters going on. It's what is known as "freedom".

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