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Relativistic PUA

Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:30 pm


It has been said, quite often too, that any pick-up theory can work if the author meant it honestly (i.e. if it indeed worked for him, and he didn't just make it up on his keyboard for fame and money), and I agree with this idea. Problem is that, usually, the theory in question can only work for people who are similar to the author, while blowing up in the faces of anyone who isn't. And since there are many different kinds of people, it follows that there'll be many different kinds of valid and semi-valid theories. In principle, that would be okay if the authors provided enough information about themselves for the students to be able to find the authors they most closely resembled; but as explained above, because this is the internet, and because most PUA gurus—practically all of them in fact—are lame dorks, usually fairly ugly ones too, this doesn't often happen, and in the context of a forum post where the reader becomes briefly the writer it never does. Let me therefore, without further ado, lay down for you relativistic pick-up theory, which is to say the objective mega-theory that contains within it all the countless subjective mini-theories of the inferior PUAs (and all PUAs are inferior to me, as their theories are inferior to my theory).

The easiest way to do this is by way of an example, so I will give one of the most flagrant examples of the concept of relativistic pick-up that I've encountered over the years. Years ago there used to be a poster on RVF called xsplat. Typical nonsensical/stupid username, typical lame avatar—no difference at all to the millions of lame random people who post in online forums, or the tens of thousands who post in PUA forums. This poster, however, obviously fancied himself as deeply experienced on women and the ways of the world, and did not hesitate to expound at length on his wisdom in tons of threads all over the place. And some of the stuff he said, mainly on generic life topics, seemed interesting and valuable to me; though at the same time, some stuff seemed weird as fuck. And then there were his explicit PUA comments, which seemed entirely retarded, about how he maintains several homes where he houses different mistresses who are obliged to give him hour-long blowjobs every morning, and the mental manipulation games they all play on him to get him to commit to them exclusively, and how he treats them like animals, and so on. None of that shit made any sense to me, and I put it down as straight fantasy, until eventually I clicked through to his blog that he was advertising at some point (which is still up, as of this writing [ > ]), and discovered the truth of the whole matter.

xsplat was a 60+ year-old white man living in Southeast Asia. He was a businessman, whose business—not sure what that was—afforded him contact with many young, poor SEA girls, a few of whom—doubtless the poorest, dumbest and probably ugliest of them—he eventually turned into his dependent mistresses. So xsplat was neither lying nor embellishing his stories and advice: he was giving straight facts and "wisdom" I guess you could call it about the life of a relatively wealthy (by the standards of the region) old white man in Southeast Asia.

But what the fuck does any of that stuff have to do with me? I am neither old, nor wealthy by regional standards, nor do I live in Southeast Asia or plan to visit it any time in the foreseeable future, nor do I consider poor, ugly and dumb Southeast Asian girls as valid sexual material. Hell, you couldn't PAY ME enough to fuck the kinds of girls this old geezer fucks, let alone set them up in houses and play mind games with them for decades in exchange for disgusting blowjobs lol! Not to mince words, because we've been mincing words about this delicate subject for many years in the PUAsphere, but I'd rather I went to the zoo and got a blowjob from a monkey! Real talk here!

So let's get this shit out in the open, because it's time we did so. My preferred pick-up hunting ground is Northern Europe, and even when I pick up in Tenerife in the Spanish Canary Islands, where I live, I am mainly on the lookout for tourist girls from Northern Europe. Now the average Northern European girl is 5 feet 6 inches tall and their average IQ is 100 (e.g. in Norway, according to the latest 2020 survey results). In e.g. Indonesia, on the other hand, the average female height is 5 feet 2 inches (i.e. half the girls are near to or below 5 feet, practically midgets by European standards...) and the average IQ is 87. Now the 100 IQ of the average Norwegian girl is not exactly Einstein (though note that half of them are ABOVE THAT), it's basically at the level of a quite dull graduate student—but that's still a person who can at least BECOME a graduate student! It's someone, in other words, who can learn stuff, even if very slowly and to a fairly low level. The 87 of the Indonesian girls, on the other hand (and note that half of them are BELOW THAT), is downright borderline retarded! Like, retarded to the level where they can barely hold a conversation, and even then at chit-chat level, not at anything remotely intellectual. I am not saying that I am looking for intellectuality above all in my choice of women, but I am a philosopher and art theorist, after all, and I therefore do spend much of my time thinking about that stuff, and I would therefore like to be able to casually chat about SOME of it now and then with my chosen fling or girlfriend, let alone future wife and mother of my freakin' children. So it would make bollock-all sense for me to go look for a woman in SEA—and the IQ numbers are generally even worse in Latin America, and even worse than that in the Middle East, and even worse in Africa, which some in the PUAsphere have been lately touting as the last remaining "poosy paradise" for christsake. If that trend continues, the final frontier will be the ZOO for crying out loud! There's literally nowhere lower to go! This isn't an exaggeration, the average IQ in Equatorial Guinea is 59, and after that we're talking about straight-up animals. It's called bestiality, and it's precisely where the entire PUA scene has been heading since the moment people like Roosh and his ilk decided to "unplug from the matrix" and "become location-independent" by quitting their jobs and buying a ticket to some third-world shithole. I mean I don't even much like Eastern Europe because of how glum and rude the people are there, and there's nothing wrong with their IQs or height, but by the time you're trying to sell me on Africa one must stop and question where exactly this whole trend is leading. It is in fact indicative of what low-value people the PUA gurus are when they abandon entirely the quest for tall, intelligent European girls and spend all their time trying to snag short, dumb third-world ones.

RVF used to be full of dudes reporting back from SEA that it is poosy paradise and that they are banging chicks right and left, and even finding wives and making children; but at no point did anyone point out to these people that by joining your genetic heritage with those SEA people, you weren't exactly doing a favor to yourself, to your kids and lineage, and ultimately to your race and mankind. At no point did anyone try to explain to them that it was maybe worth the extra effort to go for a European girl, and even specifically a Western and Northern European one. Yes, they are tougher to get, and even tougher to tame, but you are supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL PICK-UP ARTIST here! You are charging people THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS because you're telling them you CRACKED THE CODE OF SEDUCTION, so how the fuck can you defend that you refuse to so much as SET FOOT in Western and Northern Europe where the most valuable, most highly-prized girls—and RIGHTLY prized, due to their superior genetic heritage—are located; not to mention that most of your readers and clients just so happen to LIVE THERE!

So to cut this eugenics tangent short and bring this all back to relativistic pick-up, I am a 6-foot-1-tall 190-pound Greek god with 139 IQ and half a dozen university degrees under my belt who at the age of 42 (I look 25 believe it or not) still picks up and fucks 17-year-old Swedish goddesses by simply stopping them in the street and saying "What's up, my name is Adonis" (this is essentially the full extent of my game, and I am not in the least ashamed to admit it because I am not a dorky faggot like Krauser who thinks it takes a university degree in pick-up and multiple thick textbooks and spreadsheets to get laid), so what the fuck does the wretched lifestyle and stupid "wisdom" of a 60+-year-old loser who moved to SEA because he couldn't get laid at home and is extorting sex out of poor, mentally retarded midgets has to do with me? At the very least, put your picture in your avatar and write a short bio as your sig, so we know where the shit you spout comes from, otherwise with a forum full of anonymous losers and semi-losers like you it's no wonder the PUAsphere is a tower of Babel where half the people have no clue what the other half are talking about half of the time, for christsake.

Now the above is, of course, an extreme example, and that was the whole point of it; I chose to highlight the distance between my circumstances and xsplat's because the massive size of it makes it easier to see and analyze. The typical case, on the other hand, is not as pronounced as this, but it still wreaks havoc in communication, perhaps even more havoc, as subtler differences are harder to spot. For example, the PUAsphere is full of lame, inexperienced guys who are practically wifed-up with lame, inexperienced girls of average or even subaverage looks. So you end up getting tons of 5/10 or 6/10 guys who've had a 4/10 or a 5/10 girlfriend for five or ten years, and who come on to the scene—whether in a forum or in a blog thread—and lecture everyone on seduction and relationships as if they know what they're talking about. Buddy, if your girlfriend is a 4 no seduction is required to get her, and there's no skill involved at all in maintaining a relationship with her. I could have an army of them following me around all day if I wanted to with zero PUA theory. Your couple of extra points of SMV are all that's needed to get a female like that and keep her all the way to the grave. The entire "wisdom" you have to communicate is that you were willing to settle for an ugly, subaverage girl way below your own attractiveness, and you eventually came to "love" her because you've had practically no other sexual experiences to compare her with. And, of course, every girl one loves is a 10, as no PUA has ever explained, because they're too dumb to understand this—too effeminate to ever even really love anyone at the end of the day (since women don't really love anyone besides their children, as I will be explaining shortly, they merely become temporarily infatuated with men, which is why it's so much easier for them to break up relationships and even families at the drop of a hat, and recover much faster than men, and to a greater extent).

And what's left after you've discounted the army of gurus who play the game on easy mode by moving to the third world—who are ultimately playing an almost entirely different game, by essentially buying vastly inferior pussy—and the army of keyboard warriors who girlfriended up or wifed up 4s and 5s in the West—who barely qualify as female as far as I am concerned, since it's around that level when females start to look male—and think that makes them experts? Not much, really. Just Mystery and GLL who refused to leave the West and insist on hunting for girls at the "worst" spots on earth, like Los Angeles for example. And lo and behold, it was precisely those guys who arrived at the deepest psychological insights on the female mind and seduction, and ultimately became the most quoted (and in GLL's case, the most plagiarized, as I'll be explaining shortly...) pick-up artists on the planet.

Welcome to relativistic pick-up. Welcome, that is to say, to the theory that there is a meta-theory that ties together all the sub-theories and shows that they are all ultimately connected in a big web, even if they must be studied and practiced separately.


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Re: Relativistic PUA

Fri Jan 24, 2020 5:37 am

I think this was all addressed here ... manosphere

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Re: Relativistic PUA

Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:49 pm

Nothing of what I am saying was addressed there and half of the stuff he says is stupid. The other half is okay. I might review his site/article in the review section at some point.

It’s an interesting link anyway so thanks for posting it.

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Re: Relativistic PUA

Fri Jan 24, 2020 1:03 pm

I read a bit more of it. Maybe 75% of it is straight-up lies. RVF had dozens of overachieving cosmopolitan playboys and family men, at the least, and this soyboy says that everyone was a factory/low-skill worker (and many of those were cool people too btw).

He is far worse than the PUAs, and you can tell by his pic. He has nothing but hatred for them while I owe them eternal gratitude.

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Re: Relativistic PUA

Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:56 pm

Umm, I don't know if I would trust you as my defense attorney in court lol. Dude takes apart the manosphere with stolid psychological insights. The last comment he drops is absolutely brutal

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Re: Relativistic PUA

Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:21 am

He is a complete soyboy moron and the only psychology he knows is hatred. I glanced at the comment you linked and it's not even worth skimming. I think he has Asian heritage, and like nearly all non-whites at the fringes of the manosphere, he simply hates it because it's done a decent job of evaluating history. Worst part is, he is in Warsaw right now precisely because Roosh told him to go there, and he writes for a "travel" site that's obviously a front for getting laid. He uprooted his entire life to live the PUA lifestyle, and now he turns around and trashes all his sources of inspiration. Complete and utter trash person.

As for you, I can tell you 100% you're either not getting laid at all, or have had a subpar girlfriend for years (probably not getting laid tho). That's the only kind of male who can consistently fail to see the massive value of RVF and the manosphere in general. I am not trying to be mean, I'd rather be tactful instead, especially to people who attempt to engage me directly, but you're pushing me. If you don't like to hear this stuff, stop pushing. It's up to you. Your link is full of some of the vilest, most envious psychology to exist on earth—the incel psychology—and there's no way in hell it will be treated with anything other than sheer contempt on any space that I control. Go peddle this shit elsewhere if you want it to be taken seriously.

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Re: Relativistic PUA

Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:28 am

His site is called "culturewhiz" for crying out loud.

I can smell the soy from thousands of miles away. Everything about that site screams soy to high heaven. Even Roosh seems more masculine than him. Even Krauser. The idea that this little faggot would call those guys unmanly is tragicomic. He's so stupid he doesn't even realize he'd have done better to not include a picture of himself.

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Re: Relativistic PUA

Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:48 am

Dude is Russian/Polish from Kraków. I took a look at his Facebook page, dude has a super model girlfriend and over 1500 girls on call I'm tired of reading lame dudes don't have anything. Oh, and my girlfriend just walked in 5 mins ago...



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Re: Relativistic PUA

Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:57 am

And I am tired of reading your stupid shit, so piss off. I knew you had the reading comprehension of a chimp when you said "this was all addressed here" but now you seem to think that Facebook friends are "girls on call" so I think you're better off googling some incel forum and going over and making some new friends. Good luck and don't write back.

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