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Re: Roosh's mental breakdown

Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:49 pm

Roosh closed his forum, this was the announcement: ... r-29.43070
Roosh wrote: After 15 years of operation, I've decided to close the forum, a decision I've been contemplating for a while and about which I informed the moderators a few days ago. No reason I give will be sufficient for those who enjoy the forum, but I'm ready to move on from public internet life. I have a regular job now and want to live a normal Orthodox life. This forum is a hinderance to that end.

The forum will be closed to new posts and threads on Sunday, October 29, 2023 and will remain online as an archive for a time. You may post until then (while still following the rules). I will not sell the forum or allow the domain to be used by anyone else. For any spinoff forums that are created, use them at your own risk (I maintain the right to ban any external links that are antithetical to the Orthodox faith).

I know this forum is a central place for many people to get their news and discuss ideas with others, especially while the world is facing escalating conflicts, so forgive me if this decision upsets you. Thank you for everyone who has contributed to this forum, especially the senior posters and moderators @Nineteen84 and @DanielH. If it is blessed, I may return in the future to publishing content in some form, but I don't foresee starting a forum again.

Edit: Outside of this announcements subforum, forum is only visible to members who are logged in.

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Re: Roosh's mental breakdown

Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:33 pm

It's not closed yet, it will be closed, but yeah. I saw it and was going to comment that he's basically shutting down his activities progressively, year after year, as he gets older and has less and less energy to spend. Which is a normal, natural process if not for the fact that he's way too damn young to be dying in this manner already. I think he's a few years younger than me and I am 45 (46 in January) and still generally doing MORE stuff every year, instead of less. But it tracks with Christianity and Christians having low-T/little energy, which is why they enjoy withdrawing from the world so soon, and to such a degree.

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Re: Roosh's mental breakdown

Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:57 pm

Nu-nu-RVF is a laugh:

PUA dead in Bangkok!!!! Jumped to his death from 5th floor! [photos]
86E64196-656C-4615-817A-E78A6247160A.jpeg (63.21 KiB) Viewed 96772 times

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