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Pregnancy game

Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:29 pm

Pregnancy alters women's brains to favor the bond with their babies ... abies.html
Daniel Mediavilla wrote: as well as a decrease in gray matter volume, an effect that had already been observed in pregnancy in previous studies

Pregnancy makes them dumber.
Daniel Mediavilla wrote: On this last point, the researcher notes that rats tend to avoid or even reject their pups

This fact could be abused for racist purposes, but we're not that kind of site.

So anyway, what is pregnancy game? I suppose it is getting her pregnant so she becomes dumber and you can control her better.

Worth a try.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:07 am

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I am going to put inspirational material like this in this thread. Images or anecdotes or articles that can be useful to give to her so you can show her your end goal/what you want to achieve, and she can either be inspired by it and hop aboard, or be repulsed and jump off so you can weed her out faster.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:45 am
Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 03-44-11 icycalm (@icycalm) •
Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 03-44-11 icycalm (@icycalm) • (678.75 KiB) Viewed 84346 times

Look how beautiful all his kids are. And of course his wife. He himself is good-looking too, but you can't see it at first glance because of the fat. If he got in shape he would look like a model.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Fri Feb 17, 2023 11:15 pm

A Day In The Life Of A Childless Woman Who Is NOT AT ALL MISERABLE

Great tool.

Parody of this:

A Day In The Life Of a Childless Woman | The Daily Show

The top comment lol:
Johnathan G wrote: There are definitely people out there that should not procreate. Kudos

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Re: Pregnancy game

Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:04 pm

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Useful to show your girl what's at stake. Especially effective in conjunction with a world IQ map.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:28 pm
Screenshot 2023-02-27 at 23-28-31 icycalm (@icycalm) •
Screenshot 2023-02-27 at 23-28-31 icycalm (@icycalm) • (358.54 KiB) Viewed 84058 times

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Re: Pregnancy game

Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:15 pm
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Great video to send her. It even impressed me. If she isn’t impressed, next her. I’ll build a library of this sort of content and send it to her every couple of days. Yes, it is needy and simpy and anti-PUA, but you need someone that responds well to this stuff if you’re going to actually do it.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:41 pm
Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 13-40-26 (1) icycalm (@icycalm) - Gab Social.png
Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 13-40-26 (1) icycalm (@icycalm) - Gab Social.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 83862 times

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Re: Pregnancy game

Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:37 am
Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 06-36-36 icycalm (@icycalm) •
Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 06-36-36 icycalm (@icycalm) • (518.25 KiB) Viewed 83829 times

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Re: Pregnancy game

Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:15 am

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Re: Pregnancy game

Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:38 am

FB9267D5-6A7E-4F4F-ADED-E9BCEC111613.png (782.6 KiB) Viewed 83440 times

I bet an image like this (perhaps preferably without the text, or somewhat less gay text) would go well just before the offer of a date. I wouldn’t want to overdo them, but just one such image before the first date invitation would make you stand out among the competition, as the whole notion of it is counter-cultural now, plus it helps prime her for what you’re looking for.

So you send he image via WhatsApp and right below it you ask if she wants to come for a walk. You could also ask her for a drink, but a walk would be better I think as that’s what the image shows.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:09 pm ... 0755942345
Spoopy Anon @_Area25Tunnels_ wrote: Getting women into the workforce was not only to increase the tax cattle count, but also a demographic population control mechanism.

Change my mind (you can't)
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The meme-makers are doing great work breaking things down so that, eventually, even women will be able to grasp them. White and east asian women at any rate. Just need to save up the memes and keep serving them to your target. One per day or something like that, for a few weeks, should do the trick.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Mon May 08, 2023 1:03 pm

How to Solve All Our Problems ... r-problems

I’ll be sending this to all the candidates. If I hear objections, NEXT.

It’s by the indefatigable Jared Taylor. It’s not perfect (diversity isn’t bad, 15% or so diversity appears to be great), but perfection requires brilliance, and this is a simple article written by a simple person for the benefit of average people. And that’s what even the best females are, at least mentally. So it’s perfect for them. It even comes with perfect simple images. You can almost understand everything he’s saying by looking at the images and not even reading anything. A baby could understand this article, which is why it’s perfect for women. I could never write anything like this.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Wed May 17, 2023 3:34 am
Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 04-30-11 icycalm (@icycalm) •
Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 04-30-11 icycalm (@icycalm) • (447.37 KiB) Viewed 82262 times

Great pic to show a girl, especially a blonde.

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Re: Pregnancy game

Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:32 pm
TrutherNurse @TrutherNurse wrote: Traditional Values FTW
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Re: Pregnancy game

Tue Jun 20, 2023 12:17 pm

For those who think the US is the worst.

Iberian power ... rian_power
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Re: Pregnancy game

Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:16 am

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Re: Pregnancy game

Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:05 am

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Re: Pregnancy game

Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:48 am

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