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★★★ Swoop the World (

Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:06 am


Perhaps the only thing you need to know about this site is that the first bullet point on their frontpage is "60 Countries Swooped". Or the second is "300 Blog Posts". Or the third is "Over 1,000 Girls Seduced*" (and no, I have no idea what the asterisk refers to, nor do I want to know). Or just look at that stupid logo lol.

I only learned about this site because of the RVF implosion, and their (mostly failed) attempt to catch the traffic that RVF lost. They did get a bunch of RVF guys over there, but mostly low-quality ones, and even they are not bothering to post much, or of much value. For more of an analysis of why their site sucks, head over to the thread I made earlier where I elaborate. No need to repeat myself here.

Swoop the World is a generic lowbrow PUA site

More succinctly: ... 4928517120
Michael Mason wrote:Weesh PUA/Manosphere "guys"

Story is Always The Same:

Starts as Dork
Sees some gay shit on Internet
Says gay shit like "Red pill", "hypergamy" etc
Travels to d grade cities, Swoops dudes
Eats soy
Goes to Manosphere "meet ups" Swoops dudes
Becomes Dork again

This is
I tried to read some of their blog posts in preparation for this review, but the titles are so vapid, and the thumbnails so repulsive, that I couldn't even bring myself to click on one of them. And the forum is equally vapid with perhaps the exception of a couple of recent threads started by RVF refugees. Here's a couple that caught my eye:

Lifting is for girls? ... hp?tid=700

Chase Excellence Not Women? ... hp?tid=767

Nothing groundbreaking, just a couple of decent threads of the likes you'd get all the time on RVF before it went full-nutjob. However, these threads are so few and far between on Swoop, that I just don't find it worthwhile to visit the forum more than a couple of times a month, if that, and even then only until a true successor to RVF is found, at which point I will stop visiting them entirely (and I suspect, so will everyone else, including the owners, since they didn't even seem to bother posting in their own forum before the RVF refugees starting coming over).


UPDATE: Updated review here: viewtopic.php?p=1220#p1220

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Re: ★★ Swoop the World (

Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:54 pm

I can only agree to the swooptheworld review of yours. It's definitely run by a bunch of soy boys who will never be able to replicate anything that rvf stands for.

The other day I was posting the possibility of submitting quite a few valuable datasheets. The only thing I have received in return was stupid troll-type bashing and denial.

I have about fifteen to twenty very interesting datasheets but I just decided I won't be posting them there because they are pestering you left and right to bring some value to the stupid forum, but at the same time as soon as you are offering value they immediately destroy it with their low-life behavior.

I thought about posting it on the NaughtyNomad forum. I was following that forum alongside rvf. Both offered equal value. NaughtyNomad is still alive and well I guess and I am not sure about this forum here what exactly is it about perhaps someone can explain.

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Re: ★★ Swoop the World (

Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:49 pm

Hi, welcome here.

This forum is first and above all about my book Endgame, which includes an archive of reviews I will be posting on all PUA gurus and PUA resources.

Beyond that it is also a forum that I believe in due course will develop to do what RVF did, but better. Because the old RVF had a lot of blind spots too, like e.g. that you can become "alpha" by reading ebooks (as opposed to being born with superior genes), or that working a regular job is a bad thing and everyone in the world should become an internet marketer who "lived remotely" or some stupid shit like that, as if people working at NASA or CERN were sad and living bad lives etc. Even at its height, RVF and that "naughty" (lol) forum you just mentioned are really disappointing places in many respects, in precisely those respects in which their owners and administrators are deficient: in masculinity and intelligence. That's why I call such places, and the "manosphere" in general, "the faggotcube". Sure, some are better than others, but they are all faggots at the end of the day, and they reveal this the moment you try to discuss something with them beyond mundane shit like how your day is going or the weather.

So if I had to sum up this forum for you, I believe this is the only public online forum that's not for brainless faggots.

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Re: ★★ Swoop the World (

Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:15 am

Well, rvf had at least some intelligence and deeper discussions. Swoop the world is just Junk and I'm already leaving it.

So I will have a look around and see how things develop here. I will rather post my datasheets in an intelligent forum.

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Re: ★★ Swoop the World (

Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:27 am

timalemanha wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:15 am
Well, rvf had at least some intelligence and deeper discussions.
I agree, but "some" is not good enough for me, if in order to take part in one good discussion in one thread I have to shut my mouth and pretend I don't notice some lame faggy shit going on in the very next thread or be banned for trying to bring some sense into it. I've been banned from RVF several times for not being as stupid as Roosh and his moderator friends, until I finally gave up on trying to engage them. And of course I've been banned from Swoop too. Also from Heartiste's blog back when it was running, and I've had my comments moderhated on Krauser's blog and more "manosphere"(=faggotcube) blogs than I can count.

Basically the only place I can post in peace without triggering all these faggots is a space that I fully control. Which is why I made this place.

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Re: ★★ Swoop the World (

Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:24 pm

timalemanha wrote:
Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:54 pm
I thought about posting it on the NaughtyNomad forum. I was following that forum alongside rvf. Both offered equal value. NaughtyNomad is still alive and well I guess and I am not sure about this forum here what exactly is it about perhaps someone can explain.

I was thinking about doing the same. Naughty Nomad Forum still has lots of useful info from old days, but all action moved to Naughty Nomad Facebook group. Given how far left tech companies are, if the forum gets some some mainstream media attention, it will be purged from the Internet just like Heartiste from WordPress and TheRedPill from Reddit.

Independent forums are the only way to go.

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Re: ★★★ Swoop the World (

Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:09 pm

I added a star to my review of Swoop. It was 2/5 before, and it's 3/5 now.

What changed?

There's just a lot more content now than there was when I wrote my review. Back then there was almost no content outside of Roosh-bashing (and even that the mods managed to fuck up by stupidly locking and unlocking Roosh threads every few days, trying to stop people from talking about the ONE thing they ALL wanted to talk about). It just wasn't worth browsing the forum for any proper content. There was some, but it was too little among the bullshit. Now it's way, way better.

Not many more members overall, I would say about the same number of active posters as during the Roosh meltdown, but the ones who had gone there just to whine about Roosh are mostly gone, and some new ones have joined who just want to talk girls and travel. So there's a lot more solid content now. Nowhere near RVF in its prime, but the most you can get anywhere on the internet at the present time.

The mods are still clueless dipshits, but that's the same everywhere on the internet. That's always the profile of someone who moderates someone else's forum for free. Just a loser with no life lording it over random internet users. If you can avoid triggering them (which I never could, in any forum), you'll be golden.

The forum still has the same issues RVF had. Half the members are low-value bragging dipshits. But the other half are decent guys, and a handful are probably cool people.

They sometimes hide the Travel forum, which has the best content, and then you have to get an account to view it. Right now it's public, check it out (but they could rehide it at any moment when a mod gets his period): ... .php?fid=2

If the forum keeps growing in users (which is unlikely because the site has no content), I could see myself raising the rating to 4/5. For the record, I would give RVF at its peak a 5/5. Yes it had issues, but it was a goldmine regardless. I don't see Swoop ever getting there due to the frontpage being a cheap marketing bs piece of shit with no soul. But who knows. Stranger things have happened.

The moronic mods still have the forum set to only 16 threads and 20 posts per page... Makes it a bitch to browse anything.


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Re: ★★★ Swoop the World (

Sat May 29, 2021 12:05 am

The faggot Swoop moderator, Rottenapple, banned Disco_Volante: ... e&uid=1627

Disco_Volante was among the top tier RVF posters. I could tell he understood females and social interactions to a great psychological depth. I think I had links to some of his posts saved, but when RVF was wiped the links became worthless.

That faggot Rottenapple is very bad for Swoop. I understand him banning me—everyone bans me—but when you ban people like DV you're fucking destroying the place. He passive-aggressively gives people warning percentages, like 20% warning, 80% warning, instead of straight out telling you what his neurosis with you is. When he tried to pull that on me I called him a faggot straight out and told him to cut the faggotry and just ban me, and he of course obliged. He preferred to ban me than cut the faggotry lol, and he's still doing it because I see other people complaining about it. And of course no one can do anything because the owners of the site don't care about it any more, and have handed the keys to this faggot.

A very old internet story. Most forums end this way. Closing them down is preferable to handing them over to people who don't care about them, and just use them for power-tripping.

Still better than nu-RVF tho lol.

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Re: ★★★ Swoop the World (

Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:20 pm

Over on Swoop they are discussing making the old RVF forum archive publicly available. The discussion starts a third of the way down this page, and goes on for a while: ... 66&page=76

Of course they’re not gonna do it, they are too chickenshit for it, but what’s interesting is the arguments they give for it. ALL their arguments are female. A man would NEVER agree to bury information, that is a woman move. A man would say, it’s history, put it ALL up and UNCHANGED so people can study it and learn from it.

-To not put it up is female (“the past doesn’t matter”)

-To change it is female (“make yourself look better than you really were”)

-To put only some of it up is also female (it’s a form of editing)

-To protect yourself from things you said etc. is female (too chickenshit to own your opinions)

The same chickenshittiness that caused PUA gurus to vanish or turn to spaghetti monster believers is still active in their remaining fragmented communities and can be observed in everything they do and say. The dumb faggots are discussing how to get more people contributing travel reports when their travel forum is HIDDEN. It’s not even paywalled like some of my forums are, it’s literally HIDDEN as in people CAN’T EVEN SEE THAT IT FUCKING EXISTS. And like women on their period, every few months they make it public again for a bit, then hide it again.

And they call Roosh stupid. At least he could figure out how to run a fucking forum lol, you stupid faggot losers.

Some of them are even still making the argument that they shouldn’t be talking about Roosh at all because it’s bad karma lol.

100% female arguments.

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Re: ★★★ Swoop the World (

Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:27 pm

Now the faggots made their forum completely private. Which in itself is not a bad thing, but watch how in a short while they'll make it public again when they realize they aren't getting any more members.

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Re: ★★★ Swoop the World (

Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:57 pm

Swoop's frontpage has been wiped of content.


Sounds about right.

Forum's still up, apparently, but private. I wonder how long the owner will keep it up. If you're wiping the content, why are you still paying the hosting fees? Why keep the site up at all?

It will dawn on him at some point.

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Re: ★★★ Swoop the World (

Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:16 am

More quality posting by icycalm on nü-RVF:
Swoop the World are faggots??

Why is Swoop hidden?

It’s because they’re faggots now? It was headed that way last time I checked, when it was open. I suppose they all have monkeypox now and need to hide it.

Can’t think of any other reason.

I am trolling on so many levels here, I should get some kind of troll award. I am trolling Swoop, trolling the German admin of nü-RVF to find his limits, trolling the old-timer RVF users who’ll end up seeing the post.

If I hadn’t become a philosopher, I could have made a fine full-time troll like Socrates.

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